Friday, June 5, 2015



My brother-in-law visited us last night and left this morning heading on to Brian’s house. As he stated, he had almost no time to connect with us at the funeral. It was a good time together.

Either tomorrow or Sunday we will leave on our trip west. Right now we are aiming at Saturday, but we, or really I am, leaving it open in my mind to change at the last minute. Nice to be so flexible or is that just undecided? I thought today would be my packing day as I am working Saturday morning and would have no time to do any thoughtful packing, and of course I need thoughtful packing.

I also have to move some plants around so they will be easy for someone else to water. Usually I have more of them outside by now. However the neighbors will be the having cut down, a tree that swoops over our back yard. Consequently all of the plants would have to be moved out of the way. That could be a lot of work so I have not taken them out yet.

Maybe we should pretend that we are traveling by air so we do not take excessive amounts of gear with us. That would help us to feel light and free. Oh, but I might need it! I am trying to put that thought away. It wants to be noticed. Miriam will surely have everything thing we need or we can buy it as stores are also available in the west, in fact I suspect they like our money just as well as stores around here.

One sad thing is leaving now and not having the time to get the community garden in proper shape. We just have to remember that we should not be so hard on ourselves as life will go on, even if all is not finished according to plan.


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