Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Back at Camp


Finishing the cave tour, it was well into the afternoon by the time we returned after catching our breath, eating a little snack, and refilling water bottles once more. Back at camp we adults declared it nap/rest time. Into the tent we all settled into or on our sleeping bags. I was surprised that Nora, who did not seem at all tired, fell asleep immediately. Leroy was next and Olivia followed when I told her to close her eyes. I felt tired, closed my eyes, but remained awake. Finally I just got up went outside and spent some time reading. Quiet reigned over the entire camp grounds.

Because of the mountains we had no cell phone service. It almost creates an uneasy feeling. Even though I do not use the phone so much, I like knowing it is possible. I could not call and tell anyone about the morning’s adventure.

Also because of the mountains the air was quite cool in the night and early morning. The first night Leroy slept facing me. I kept thinking there was a rather rhythmical cool breeze blowing. Late at night I realized it was Leroy breathing and the air cooled before it reached me. My face was cold. On the other side of me, Nora flipped her arm on me from time to time. Then there were the cars and motorcycles coming down the mountain after their weekend fun. I was amazed to still hear them at two in the morning. I also found that my hip hurt when I lay on my sides. I am not traditionally a back sleeper, but it worked when I got tired enough. The next night was much better. Leroy was facing the other direction, Nora was on the other side of me and sprawled the other way. Besides, at that point sleep was more urgent and won any battles. Also no one was leaving the mountain in the middle of the night so there was no traffic noise. I slept just fine.


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