Sunday, November 20, 2011


Salt Lake City


I must face the truth. I am sagging more than I used to. Even my four and three year old grandchildren have made comments. Lexi, in DC, is entertained to see my underarm skin flap when I wave goodbye. She is so entranced that she falls on the floor laughing and begs me to do it again. Even when on Skype she wanted to see the action. Then just yesterday as I was pulling on my underpants, Nora commented, “Old people have wiggly bottoms.” This was followed by great giggles.

Could this be true? I am working out at the gym. I am even going to classes two times a week and sometimes even three times. I lift weights on my own at least once or twice a week with a good ride on a stationary bike.

Leroy and I both watch a video of some tour as we take this bike ride. It is a bit disconcerting to go downhill because we need to pedal just about the same as going uphill. Well, in all honesty it is not just the same as it does require shifting gears, but it is not like being outside in the real world where it is more restful and breezy to go down a hill than in this contrived world.

I am also a little amazed that people think I am old. How can they tell? What gives it away? Surely the changes to my person have been minimal. Perhaps I need a reality check, certainly not a mirror check.


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