Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day

Hello, We had no big plans for the day. Leroy had been told about the mayor’s bike ride. I decided to skip that. He checked the time and place, got on his bike and headed out. As he came closer, he wondered what was going on as he saw no one. Even at the designation there was not a person except some golfers he could see a bit away. He checked on his phone to see what was going on. What he learned was that the post was from 2016. Groan! At least it was still in the morning although it was starting to heat up. He got an eight-mile ride, but he was disappointed. I went to church when my friend called to say that she was there. It was earlier than I had anticipated, but I hurried thinking of the heat ahead. It was quite fine when I walked there, but coming home was a bit warm. All flowers got water for the day. We did an early morning walk when it was very nice outside. One neighbor was sitting on his porch. When asked, he said “I will take five cucumbers.” We are pleased. We have a more manageable number now. My friend at church commented, “I delivered breakfast to the homeless shelter and will take lunch. Two out of three meals is not too bad.” I am just so impressed by all the effort that she puts into food for others. Paula

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