Friday, August 25, 2023

Global Entry

Hello, It has been recommended to us that we get global entry so we do not have to stand in lines when coming back into the country. Today was the day I tried to tackle that task. The website was easy to find. Then, I started doing the required steps. It was ok to get a log in name and password. It was recommended that one should have two security measures in place. The first was easy just get a text on my phone. But the second had my blood pressure rising by the minute. Of their choices, I tried to download an app. It said, it would download soon. At another point it said it was on my device and did I want to put it on another device. I could not find this app on the computer even when I searched for it by name. I wailed to Leroy, “Maybe you can help me!” He also did some looking and was unable to solve the issue. I suggested, “Why don’t you try to do yours. It might work for you.” I paced the rooms trying to bring calmness to my mind. Then Leroy muttered. “What is happening?” I wondered. “I cannot find the website that you were using.” He grumbled. “I will try again,” I announced. Somehow, I got in without needing to put in the second verification. Then the form was not so bad. It still took me a long time because I had not gathered my passport, driver’s license, and credit card. At one point the site was going to shut down and I had to request more time. Everything had to be double checked for accuracy and I printed it even though I found later I did not need to do that. When Leroy did his, after he found the site, he noticed that he could skip the second security option. What an afternoon. Someone else called this easy. I guess we did it the hard way, whatever that is. Paula

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