Sunday, August 20, 2023

Garden work and sharing

Hello, The other night Leroy and I went to the community garden to pick beans, cucumbers, and to water. Leroy started watering while I picked beans. Two women that I had seen before came by. They had refused the invitation to take things from the garden. This time I greeted them and then said, “I am picking beans and there are more than I can use. Do you like green beans?” “Yes, we could use some.” One of them said. She then started to pick into the bag I gave her. “We have many cucumbers, again I cannot use them all.” I got a bag and the second woman started to find cucumbers. Encouraged by this, I asked about the kale. When they said yes, I got out my paring knife. I also helped look for cucumbers and just laid them on the ground. I found another bag for the kale and Swiss chard. They ended up taking all b two of the cucumbers. Such a good feeling went through me. They had walked about as far as we had so it would be a load to carry home. The one woman told me she was from Columbia and came here 22 years ago. The other woman was from Honduras. Her English was quite limited and she was quite a lot younger. It was such a good feeling to share with them since they were so appreciative. I told them they could come back on their own any time. They sounded like they will do that. I hope that is true. Paula

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