Friday, October 14, 2022

Our Health

Hello, Leroy got a good report about his giant cell arteritis. His blood work is now normal. He will begin to gradually phase out his meds for that. This is to make sure it is fine even with a lower dose. He certainly seems quite fine. I sometimes wonder about breast cancer since there is so much of that in my family background. So far, the screenings always come up with a good result. I am sorry to learn that my bones are not holding up for the test of time. I could not tolerate the pills, but will probably explore other options since I have not done a good job of maintaining my position. I walk a lot, but I guess that is not enough bone building work. We are getting excited about our cruise which is coming up in November. We spent some time on zoom with the other two couples and that makes it seem more real and much closer. One of the bigger issues is how to prepare for whatever the weather will be. We do not want to take too much stuff, but we also want to have something for multiple types of conditions. Personally, I think weather can be quite changeable in many parts of the world even though people in Iowa feel they have the most changeable weather conditions. Traveling life is easier if we are not dealing with much luggage. Paula

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