Saturday, October 29, 2022

More Technology Learning

Hello, For some reason Leroy decided today to make sure that we got mile credit from the airline. It became a slog through dense unknowns. Some caused by technology and some caused by us. It has been a while since we have flown with this airline and we could not find my password. Leroy also had trouble signing in. He decided to call, but was asked about emailing as the wait for a call was 10 minutes or more. The email turned out to be a lengthy wait as well. Even after he asked his question the answer took some time. There were some issues when he tried to apply his information. I had to leave the room to avoid listening to his exasperated breathing. I finally got mine done on my own. It was amazing, first I was told my number on the card was the wrong number for me to sign in. I tracked things down on their website only to have them give me the number I had already entered. Eventually it was accepted, but I no longer remember what I did. I decided to have it remember me on this device for eternity. So what, if someone else gets that information, I will have died a death of technology exhaustion. I am sorry that the one book I need to read for a book club is not available as an eBook at the library. I am still noticing my larger bandaged finger which makes more difficult to touch the proper keys. I am sending a picture. You can see it is not a big deal, but does interfere with certain movements.
Leroy is packed, but I have not managed yet. Clothes are on the bed, but not in yet. Will they fit? Paula

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