Saturday, September 3, 2022

Riches Abound

Hello, We are rich. We have cars that need washing. Leroy got some free car wash coupons when some work done on the car. We went this morning. In the wash it was like a new kind of ride. We have never been in a car wash with the same brushes or whatever you might call these long strips sliding over the car. I guess the car was clean, I did not check. We did do the free vacuum. That unit had much more suction than we are used to. It devoured a quarter before I realized I was close to it. Wonder if vacuums are checked for loose change. We stopped at a grocery store on the way home. We argued a little about whether to buy this or that, but the real deal is that we had the money for either or both. Certainly, it is different than when we had children at home. In those days I looked carefully at the options and whether there was money to cover that purchase. Leroy thinks I have become extravagant. The bat came back yesterday. It is the hot days, I believed, that bring it to the screen where the air can circulate around it. Yesterday it was quite hot. That thought is not scientific research as today when it was much cooler it was once again on the screen although tucked up in a corner. What a gift to have this wonderful visitor. Riches indeed. I stopped to get gas at the station I do not like because it had a very low price. It did not accept or read my credit card so I left rather than argue with it all. That is a rich move too as I could pay more at another station and save my struggle. Today Leroy got gas for that same low price at another station. Gasoline prices are a moving target and it is not wise to get too concerned about them as they go up or down in the blink of an eye. Paula

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