Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Snow and a changed day

Hello, We were in the middle of remote tai chi class when it started to snow. Leroy whispered to me about putting the kids’ books in the side where the door blew off. He has been unable to fix it. In a bit, he went out and rescued them. When the wind and snow became stronger I was so glad that he had done that. We had loaded three lamps in the car to give to the refugees in our city. It was so good that we had done that before the snow came. At church we could unload under the awning, but, even so, the wind was blowing snow into the trunk. When downstairs we asked the person who takes care of these things if she needed some help. We ended by staying two hours to get things ready for the Saturday meals. Leroy asked if she needed help Saturday afternoon. She did, as two others had just cancelled because of health. It is so nice that we can make use of this unexpected time at home. Gives us purpose! I called my boss and asked if I could take today off and work tomorrow. That would give her tomorrow off. She said that was fine. As it turned out it might have been fine to drive, but at the time of the call, snow did not appear to be quitting. Shoveling gave us some exercise. It was only three inches, but was wet and heavy. Paula

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