Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas

Hello, Leroy and I will be home for Christmas. We cancelled our flight to UT. Sarah’s family in DC has two members with Covid so they cancelled. We had become quite unsure because of all the reports of the spread of the variant. We feel less anxious, but much more sadness, especially the day after we cancelled. We are ok now, but still missing something from time to time. Miriam was surprised and disappointed that we cancelled since they were all ok and we were ok. I learned that she had expected to use us to drive her around to her work places. That might have been interesting because I suspect we do not drive as she would like us to. We are too slow and deliberate. On the plus side we were able to go to choir and will be there tonight for the 10:00 pm service. I do like the piece we are singing. I just wonder if we can stay awake that late at night, certainly past our bedtime. We will walk home from the service so it will close to 11:30 by that time. It is nice out so it should be a good walk and we can keep each other alert. Hoping that your Christmas brings you joy and serenity. Peace would be good. Paula

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