Friday, June 11, 2021

A Mouse or Two



The day after we got home I looked in the cupboard/closet for some oatmeal that is in a plastic bag. There was some on the floor. How did the bag break when we weren’t even home? Oh, mouse droppings. Many mouse droppings. I picked up the bag wondered about keeping it, but did not let my saving side have control. It went outside on the ground away from the house in the back yard. Hopping birds find it and not a family of mice. Next it was trap setting time. I got one trap out of the attic, put precious small amount of peanut better on it, anchored the string, gingerly moved the bar into place, and released. Success! When I came back from grocery shopping there was not yet a mouse. Before Leroy came home from work there was a mouse so he could take it outside. The trap was reset with another mouse trapped the next morning.


Leroy does not like to set traps and I do not like to release the mice so we are a perfect pair for such an activity.


Our downstairs neighbors have not had mice in the house. One of them wondered why the mice would come upstairs when they could go downstairs first. It is a mystery.


No mice have been captured for a day and a half. The trap will remain set for at least another day or four. I put a sign on the closet doors to warn of impending trap danger.



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