Friday, October 25, 2019

Shopping Changes


Leroy has seldom gone shopping in the last 10 years. Now, however, he is on the team. I have to get used to that as I have my routines and they do not include another person, consequently, I keep coming home without things that I meant to get, but were not on the list. Today I forgot to look at the ads before going. This will definitely take an adjustment.

On the other hand Leroy helps carry groceries. He also looks at the price of this or that and thinks it is too much. I just say, “That is the way it is. We have the money and we are not feeding a number of people, just us.”

On the way home today he started adding, in his head, the approximate monthly amount which also surprised him. I do keep track of what I spend, but do not discuss it, because it is mostly not a negotiable item. He was not aware of what it adds up to. I shop for specials and seasonal items so I do not think I overspend. Although, I am switching to organic so that makes it higher. Some things are better that way, especially the dirty dozen. Often the clean fifteen is not organic.

We use an electric toothbrush. We have two units and one of them died. We have been looking for a new one. It was probably good that Leroy was with me today because we spotted one on sale. He remembered what the price was in another store. Plus this one had an offer with it to get brushes at the same time of purchase and save another $20. We thought that was a great deal as brushes were also on sale. Then when we got it home we found a coupon for three dollars off more brushes and they would send another ten dollar coupon if we registered the unit. All in all am glad we did this. I might not have decided so fast had I been alone.


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