Saturday, May 30, 2009

Close to home In Kenya


“Look,” Lexi said as she pointed to the ground at a lizard type creature that was a bit over a foot long.

“Oh I want a picture of that,” I said and raced to get my camera.

Before I returned that creature had gone up a tree and blended in stupendously. Sarah said, “It is a gecko or we will just call it that.”

I did take three pictures of it. I challenge you to look for it clinging vertically to the trunk. Leroy did not really see it until I pointed out the legs and the head. The head is only visible in the first picture.

Lexi was great friends with all of the people who worked inside the compound so I had to show you a picture of her with the gatekeeper. He is in his uniform and in front of the building that he could be found in or near most of the time. I believe that he came in street clothes and changed after he got there as did most of the day workers. Sorry that I have included so many pictures of this granddaughter, but she occupied a good bit of my time. Notice that the grass is sparse and the dirt is red.

Lexi spent a great deal of time in the back looking at leaves, insects, small lizards, and macadamia nuts.


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