Sunday, July 31, 2022

Bat House

Hello, I have been gifted with a bat house. Now the question is where to put it and will any bats use it. After a little research, it becomes clear that bat houses are a special structure so the bats feel right at home. Apparently, some commercial bat houses are not really good for bats. I hope this rustic one is just fine. Will we ever know if bats are in there? As I know it is very difficult to see them coming and going. Today is a cooler day and there is no bat on the screen. It is also a deal if there are pups in the bat house as they sometimes fall to the ground and die if it is not set up correctly or at least so something could catch them. I did not finish this letter very fast. It is now July 31. Daughter Sarah’s birthday. How could we have a child as old as she is? Time certainly slips away. We are grateful for our new washer. It works like a charm, does not put oil on the clothes and is much quieter. The clothes look just fine when they come out of the machine. It is a bit larger than the old one, but I do not want to get carried away with what will fit. Last year our little free library had plants on it that required watering once or twice a day. That feature has been covered over. I overheard a girl tell her dad, “Last year it had flowers up here.” as she patted the top. I now miss the flowers even realizing that it was quite a care. All of life seems to have exchanges to be made. Paula

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