Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mysteries: junk drawer and squirrels

Hello, I was looking for stored pens and I stumbled across a key I did not recognize even though the tag read, “Paula’s”. I asked Leroy about it, but he did not know. However, he looked in a drawer in the computer room. It had several unmarked keys. Groan. This drawer has turned into a real junk drawer with many miscellaneous items. Hurt my pride because I thought I was avoiding just such a place. There were far too many things in there that I did not really recognize. Yesterday I happened to look down and see a squirrel starting to dig a hole in a flower pot on the deck. I opened the window and yelled to no avail. Immediately I dashed down stairs and yelled at it in closer proximity. That squirrel ran up a deck support pole to the top. I chased it to one side, hoping it would jump off. It was out of my reach. When it got the end, it dashed all the way to the other side with me in pursuit. Chairs slowed me down, but I made it. Again, it raced past me to the other end. We repeated that routine some more before I got the brilliant idea of grabbing the broom which gave me an adequate reach. It then went to the end, realized it was trapped, turned away from me, pooped in my direction, gave me a glaring look and finally jumped off into the neighbor’s yard. Not sure I won this battle, but I did not see it today. We have seen three baby squirrels running around on the tree. They are certainly at home with the height and gifted with much strength to move up and down. I have enjoyed watching them explore the world. Will they also want to dig in the flower pots? Paula

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