Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Rare Seed Pods

Hello, I have been watching seed pods growing on the Thanksgiving cactus. There are three of them. At the same time it is sending out buds for the second seasonal blooming. This morning I looked up the seed pods and learned, at least according to the site I used, that it is a rare occurrence. I know that in the 50 years I have been growing both Christmas and Thanksgiving cactus plants this has never happened before nor have I ever heard anyone else talk of such a thing. Surprising new experiences keep coming into my sight. So far life still has a good edge. I am hoping to be able to send the pictures on to you, but things have changed from my usual methods and I have to figure out the new way. I do not always embrace all this new learning. There is a big part of me that would like the old skills to still work or that someone would just tell me how to do it the new way. Figuring it out is not how I want to spend my time.
Leroy has gotten bitten by the step “bug”. He gets more steps than I do many days. He uses his phone for the record. I suspect it has even spurred him to walk home from work on the nicer day, if I can get him there in the morning. He was disappointed yesterday when it got up in the 30’s F and he drove. Today we have single digits so he did not even consider such a thing since it is a three mile walk. We might walk to church this evening for choir, but we will check the temperature and the wind velocity. Paula

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