Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Heat Wave?

Hello, Yesterday when at work, I heard people talking about a heat wave. The temperature was above 30 degrees F. Having very low temperatures helps one to appreciate warmer temperatures. Today it has gotten up into the 40s. Indeed it felt like a heat wave even though two months ago the talk would have been about cold. I went out and spent some time chopping up more ice in the alley close to the garage in anticipation of the snow coming on Saturday. When there is melting like this we get a shallow lake of sorts in back of our garage. It helps to make a path for the water to move on to a drain that is farther away. We want no dams. When the sun shines on this packed down snow/ice it comes off the cement much easier. It is so satisfying to be able to do this. If Leroy had been home we would have made much more progress. Up the street I was happy to see someone with a snow blower removing snow from the sidewalk. Leroy and I like to takes walks with that as a connecting street so it was not much fun to have it hard to navigate. There is still snow or ice on it because it has been so packed by many feet going past. When we walk I send silent thanks to all of the neighbors who have done a good job clearing the walks. It is a gift for us. Paula

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