Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Getting Ready



We are leaving tomorrow for Salt Lake. At the moment we are positive about all of the expected outcomes. Sometimes it has been hard to hold on to that thought.


I even thought to have my medicine refilled so I would have enough to last the time that we are there. Guess there is much new learning to be done in life.


Social media has pluses and minuses just as do many things in life. One of the positives is staying in touch with geographically distant relatives. I thought you might like to see what Miriam has posted on social media.


“Well here it goes. It has been a wild month of trying to manage these seizures and simply dealing with the idea of this upcoming brain surgery. At the current time we have found a medication to manage the seizures and I have not had any for about 1.5 weeks.

The surgery to remove this cavernous hemangioma in my left frontal lobe is scheduled for tomorrow Nov 11th. Due to its location the doctor will be cutting open my forehead and entering my brain there. We have been told that the surgery itself will be about 1.5 hours, not taking into account the MRI prior to the surgery nor the work to put me back together after the surgery. I will then be in the ICU for about 24 hours for close observation and then remain in the hospital for 1-2 nights after that to ensure everything is healing well. Once back at home my recovery will likely be significant for at least 1 month and even the 2nd month I may continue to not feel fully like myself. I am not looking forward to this as I like to be up and on the go. I am going to hopefully learn lots of patience...

Emotionally Andy (my husband) and I have had a host of emotions ranging from being completely terrified to having feelings of peace and comfort in relation to the medical team at hand. Your continued thoughts and prayers are welcome and appreciated.”


Sometimes I wonder how I got so far down the road of life with no big physical deals, even no meds until two months ago. I am grateful that there is help and care for many.



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