Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sleeping through

Salt Lake


This morning Miriam talked about the “child” activity last night. I was quite surprised to learn about it as I had not heard it. First Olivia woke up, crying quite a bit because she was uncovered. Later in the night, Nora disturbed people as she was talking in her sleep. I am astonished that I missed the ruckus. Generally I hear it even if I choose not to get up at that time. Does that mean I have been now sleeping with children in the area for long enough that it is normal? I think I always woke for my own children, but then I felt more responsible at night than I do now.

There is no school in Salt Lake schools this week and next week. Consequently, Miriam is babysitting for a girl who is seven years old. She plays very nicely with the girls so it is not as much work as some might imagine. This girl lo longer takes a nap, but perhaps because she is an only child she can entertain herself while the girls sleep. It does refocus our days. Also Andy’s parents are here so there have been eight people at the table when we sit down for lunch. At this moment, Leroy is flying in from Minnesota. Then we will have nine at the table for noon and eight the rest of the time until Andy’s uncle comes on Friday. Does this all sound like a full house? Well it is. However it all works because we want it too and this house has quite a lot of space.

Can you imagine what it will be like when Leroy and I are once again just two people in the house? Seems to me it will be quiet and sometimes rather dull, but at other times peaceful. What is my own schedule like anyway?

I just read a book called, 29 Gifts: How a month of giving can change your life by Cami Walker. It is worth reading if you have access and the time to pursue it.


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