Monday, December 5, 2011


December 3, 2011
Salt Lake


Yesterday, Miriam moved into decorating for Christmas mode.

December 5, 201
I am not sure what came up, but I was not able to finish this letter. I had been going to say that I was not really in the mode to decorate. It might have had something to do with the thought that we would not be decorating our own home. Also Leroy and I do not decorate for Christmas quite so early in Advent. Leroy dived into the project with enthusiasm. Now that it is all done and looks very nice I am happy to look at the changes.

Because Leroy and I have lived with just two of us in the house for the last 14 years, we sometimes find ourselves longing for “peace and quiet”. On the other hand I notice a deepening relationship with the two granddaughters who live in this house and keep it less than peaceful and quiet, unless they are sleeping. I am grateful for this time for us to spend getting to know them as our relationship has been much sketchier in the past. How to have it all? Is that possible? I am also aware that there are four more grandchildren with whom I am not spending time. It is not a perfect world is it? I sometimes fantasize about owning three homes, one close to each of our children so we could have some extended visiting time without being totally in their space. Sounds perfect to me! You must know that I have never owned even one home. Is home ownership all it is touted to be?

Last night we played a couple games with Miriam and Andy. In spite of my moans and complaints early in the games, I won both of them. Oops!

Was that a lesson to me that even when things to do not look as if it will be a winning time, all will be well? Life is not a game, but there could be some parallels.

Blessings to you no matter where you are in the game of life.


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