Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wild Times

Salt Lake


Forget about getting a Christmas letter from me. Each day marches past so fast that I have not had much time to read let alone think. A day without reading is like a day without sunshine. By the way, sunshine is back in our world. We are grateful for the beauty on the mountains.

This afternoon Leroy and I went for a short walk around the block. That may sound simple, but we were accompanied by four children and two dogs. That means just getting ready to set off takes about ten minutes or more to get a coat on each body, find mittens for all hands, shoes for all feet, leashes for the four legged critters who luckily did not need mittens and coats, and bags to collect any dog poop that was produced. Miriam and company are again babysitting for a seven year old (four days), dog sitting for a miniature border collie (five days and nights), and the neighbor and her three year old as well as an infant came for a visit. The walk was really quite painless once we were able to set off. Luckily these children have been quite well trained to stop at the corners when they want to run ahead. When we returned from the walk Leroy cleaned up the dog poop in the yard while the children played on the swing set under my watchful eye. Hands were cold by the time we went in, but it was good to have some time outside.

Miriam had a part of her back/hips go out of place causing a lot of pain. She was able to see a chiropractor the day before Christmas even though he was not scheduled to be in the office. He told her to call him on Christmas day or the next day at his home number if it was needed. She did not call again, but it was obvious that she was in agony much of the time even though she swallowed a lot of pain killers. Today she felt a bit better and went to Pilate’s class with me, but that was not really a good idea. She can stand and lie down, but sitting is not good. We hope each day gets better.


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