Saturday, February 21, 2009

At home in the cold


Leroy and I are now at home feeling cold. We did not feel quite so cold when we walked Brian’s dog in single digit cold, but now there is a brisk wind and we are both finding it rather terrible. We keep turning the heat up in the house because it seems to be snatched away. We miss the warmth of Nairobi.

All our flights were on time and uneventful even thought the pilot on the last leg kept talking about the turbulence and having the flight attendants sit. I have experienced much more noticeable shaking around. One flight I remember we hardly even got to eat because it was so strong for so long.

We are tired but recovering. Our bottoms thought it was a long sit. It was nice to go on the bus instead of driving from MN to IA. Leroy did comment that he felt quite awake, but I think the bus was much safer for us and other people on the road.

We fought sleep yesterday until 7:00 p.m. when we succumbed to the urge. As a result we both woke at 4:00 a.m., but did not get up until about 5:00 when we realized that sleep was not going to come back.

This morning we tried to get back our repaired car only to learn that nothing had happened because they are still waiting for three more parts to come in. I had forgotten how banged up the car looked.

On my trip to the grocery store I was shocked by the price of frozen vegetables. I think there was a price raise while we were gone. Or had I forgotten?

Leroy was pleased to see all of the electrical work that was done in the house while we were gone. I was pleased that the water heater works.

But the best of all was the blooming flowers. All three Christmas cactus are blooming, one of them profusely. The amaryllis is just ready to pop open the first of three flowers. The other has the stalk about half grown. I think it helped that the heat was so low while we were gone. I am happy to enjoy them. I even go around and greet all of them.


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