Tuesday, November 5, 2019



We voted early today walking there at a fast pace as it was quite cool maybe even it could be called cold. A neighbor was scrapping frost off the car windows. It required a bit of work and effort. I am grateful that we found a place to rent that has a garage. Leroy and I agree that the cars spend their down time in the garage rather than any items we might have accumulated.

There were not a lot of choices in this small off “season” election, but we still had to know something about the best possible. Does anyone ever know the best possible? I read more and more about how important to our lives local elections are, but the voter turnout is frequently quite low. Another person was a head of me on the sign in sheet and someone came before we left so at least a few people have put forth the effort to make their wishes known.

Our state is already inundated with candidates vying for a spot on the ballet in the next major national election. I personally do not put much effort into that decision at this point. Guess I am happy to let others deal with it all.

I have had a few people expound on the virtues of this or that candidate. Mostly I just nod and smile as I really have not a clue.

Besides all those decisions we have a barrage of daily choices: what to wear, what to eat and when to sleep. No wonder a day passes with such speed.


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