Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Name Game


Natalie heard me call her by her big sister’s name, Lexi. “I’m Natalie,” she told me.

Later I might call her cousin’s name, Nora. Nicely positive she told me, “I’m Natalie.”

Five minutes later I might dig out the name Sophia. But then again it could have been Olivia. At least I never called her Logan. She only rolled her, two year almost three year old, eyes at me a few times. Generally we just laughed about it together.

I tried using Henrietta, but she was not impressed with that. When I call Logan, Henry he usually ends up on the floor from laughing. Somehow it seems to me I should just call all of them by the same name and that it is covered. What culture does that? I think they have a good idea.

Natalie was home with Leroy and I Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday morning her new teachers visited her home to meet her and her parents. On Wednesday she went to school in the morning or until one. Thursday she was home while the other half of the students when to school. On Friday all of the children came with an early out at 1:00. As near as I could tell she did a fine job. At least she seemed quite at ease having us leave her at the door of the classroom. I suspect it helps because it is the same school where her sister goes so she is comfortable with the building.

We had family pictures taken while we were in Utah. I am including a few of those. 


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