Sunday, August 3, 2014

Leroy's Phone and Bike Computer


Leroy’s phone has called 911 three times without his help. Each time the people there have called him back to ask if he needed them. They never seemed bothered and were always very nice to him. Leroy, however, has been very uncomfortable with this turn of events. He has locked his phone, carried it only in shirt pockets or on his belt with a holder. The fourth time he realized it was calling and stopped it before it connected, but he came home and said, “That is enough. I am getting a new phone.”

He checked on line and learned that others have had trouble with this phone with the built in power to call 911 at a light touch. Some of them had even gotten tickets from them for calling when it was no emergency. Leroy was lucky that way. Unfortunately not a one could suggest a solution.

His new phone has arrived and he has transferred all his phone numbers to the new unit. We hope it works just the way it should. At least he found no one on the internet complaining about it. It looks much like a smart phone, but is smaller. I hope that does not bother him. He has found it easier to use in part because of having the IPod.

Almost two years ago Leroy bought a bike computer because he thought his old one was ready to die. The original has kept working and just recently quit. He put on the new computer, but could not get it to change from km to miles. After pushing the set button several times it just broke. So now he figures he must buy yet another computer and to think this one was never used, but it is so old that it is not under warranty. I think he should still contact the company, but he is hesitant to do that. At least it is only a thing and not something truly important.


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