Saturday, December 9, 2023

Strong Wind?

Hello, I had forgotten to go to the post office for stamps. So, we went today. They were certainly busy with many people waiting. The guy who helped us was quite patient and cheerful. We wanted quite a number of stamps so it took some decisions to get the job done. There were a lot of commemoratives to choose from. The wind was commented on by one of us. Our house is in a more sheltered place. On the way home we stopped at a grocery store that had a great sale on organic honey crisp apples. We managed to purchase several other things that were on sale. Now I have to figure out where to store all this stuff efficiently. Again, the wind was commented on. After lunch we took a long walk. The wind seemed even stronger and the temperatures had dropped. I noticed white stuff in the air. It took a while for Leroy to see it too, but then it became quite noticeable and almost seemed like sleet as it struck our small areas of bare skin. It was wonderful to come back home. The furnace is thankfully working. We will not be going out for another walk as we can walk in this space to get the steps we want. I just finished reading, The Mitford Affair by Marie Benedict. She writes historical fiction. I have enjoyed her other books and this one also appealed to me. Again, I learned a lot. I had never heard of the Mitford sisters. Paula

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