Saturday, December 2, 2023

Kale yet?

Hello, This afternoon on a check at the community garden, kale was discovered to be thriving or at least not frozen. May not grow much more, but there are some edible leaves there. The small second cabbage head growth is also looking quite fine. Even the rainbow and Swiss chard look like they could keep growing. The low temperature at our house was 9 degrees F. Can you imagine that the plants can survive that? It is quite amazing. Today it was almost 49 degrees. Leroy rode his bike yesterday and again today. Apparently yesterday, the ice in certain spots was quite exciting, but he did not fall. He’s hoping that there was enough melt yesterday to make it much better today. He is not working today, but volunteering at the museum Christmas Mart. Is this guy tied up at work or what? He plans to retire in the spring, but can he make the break? Last night we had dress rehearsal for our concert tonight. Somehow Leroy and I barely managed to be on time. We are usually early. Tonight, we will be ahead of time. Paula

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