Saturday, December 3, 2022

Rhodes walk around

Hello, Still talking about the cruise, we had a nice walk around Rhodes, Greece. It was a name I knew, but that is about all. Other members of our group knew more. The castle was quite fine even if most of the interior had been originally somewhere else. There were many beautiful mosaics along with some nice furniture. It is amazing how some beauty appeals to people many years later. Sort of gives me the feeling of connecting with those who have gone before. Many cultures are in this city including a small Jewish remanent. On the way to visit the Jewish quarter, we passed a public library. Leroy and I went in. The first small room seemed nothing much like a library, but more like a store room or package receiving room. The next room had a check out desk, complete with attendant. Looking through the glass, straight ahead we could see a nice courtyard with book shelves across the way.
I asked if he spoke English, just as a woman came up to talk to him. He did speak English, but the woman patron had better command of the language. We told them we were librarians in the USA. Then I asked if I could take a picture. At the positive response the woman stepped aside. I said, “You can be in the picture. Just be at the desk.” “Oh, I’ll be famous,” she giggled.
I had a note about inner walls and outer walls of the city, but cannot imagine what that was about. Paula

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