Saturday, July 7, 2012

Visitors heat and exercise


Last night we had company. It was friends from seminary days. They used to live in Michigan and they are now only about 30 minutes away. It was great to see them again and catch up with activities.

I have decided that living in the air conditioning is not good for me. The heat seems so much harder to handle than when we did not have such comfort. As with so many things in life it has pluses and minuses. I sleep better with it on, but my eyes dry out more. Also the heat is shocking when going out. Our mail carrier delivered a package today. I asked how she was handling the heat. “I like it,” she said, “I have to put on a sweater when I go inside because it is too much of a change.”

I have tried to get a walk in almost every day. Today I rode my bike to the museum (Leroy’s work place) for training for my volunteer job at the opening next weekend. My attempt to not sweat on the ride was not successful. Just hoped I did not smell like I had been to the gym. Leroy will work almost all next weekend and I will be there for several hours. We both feel the bikes would be the easiest method of transportation as they expect a few thousand people in an area where parking is somewhat limited. However on the sheet they gave the volunteers they talked about personal hygiene as well as the clothes we are to wear. I am not sure that I can ride and still smell good.

One positive about the heat is that we hung out three loads of clothes that have dried almost as soon as we hung them. That is great. We also have climbed our stairs several times today. Surely that counts as exercise along with the bike ride of six miles that we both took this morning.


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