I thought I would have snacks to eat, provided by the museum and or food to buy at the food tent. Because I was working in that spot I knew my options were not as good as they were the day before when I had brought my own food and there was much fruit, chips, and cookies for volunteers. I did not eat a cookie, had a few chips, and enjoyed a nectarine as well as an orange. These complimented my granola bar and nuts that I had armed myself with from home.
Later I learned from Leroy that they had a more complete meal and not just meat at the food tent on Saturday. There were even green beans, potato salad, and decent bread that would have been good.
Yesterday however the emphasis was on meat with brats, hot dogs, and pulled pork as the stars. I had brought no food and ridden the bike. It seemed important to eat something before I headed home even if it was only a little over three miles. So I asked at the ticket tent if I could just purchase some of the baked beans instead of the sandwich. This person then had to ask the caterer. I did not hear the conversation, but it took some time. She said ok when she came back. I was given one scoop of beans and offered a bag of chips that I declined, however I helped myself to some sauerkraut.
I was glad that I had purchased that as the only food left in the building was two red delicious apples which are not my favorite, but I ate one any way. Leroy had some nuts in his office and I snatched a small handful of them before I headed out into the heat over the hot pavement.
I was a bit over a mile from home when I ran into a small innocent looking hole, heard a pop, and saw my front tire deflate. At that point I was almost sorry that I had not eaten that sandwich, but now there was no going back. At least I had consumed some food and quite a bit of water. I walked home, seeking shade every where I could find it and being grateful for the wonderful old spreading trees. I was also pleased that this flat occurred so close to home and not on the other end of my trip. Leroy had also ridden his bike and he could not have helped me get home. I did have my tire pump, but figured that it was not worth trying because of the pop I had heard.
Just in case you are wondering, Saturday night Leroy rode his bike home after 11:00. Then yesterday he came home some time after 6:00 in the evening. It was amazing how pumped he was but he fell asleep at 8:30 after those long days with no naps.
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