Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Can Frogs Read?


Yesterday I worked from 1-8 in the afternoon evening. I did not realize that I would be alone most of that time until I got to work. The person who had been there in the morning left as I came. The only other time there was someone there was for about an hour or two hours in the evening, giving me the ability to eat a peaceful supper.

Earlier in the day a girl of perhaps 7 or 8 years came in and announced that she had caught a frog in the creek. That frog was now in what looked like a lidded drink cup, probably the small size. I said, “That is nice, but do not let it out in here.”

I also told her, “I do not think it is kind to keep it in that cup for long and it should be returned to the creek.”

Probably 15 minutes later she shouted, “The frog is loose.”

“Catch it,” I told her.

Just how she had managed to catch that frog in the first place is a mystery as she went after it rather sluggishly. Finally I said, “You hold the cup ready while I catch it.”

This beautiful green fist sized frog hopped to the door trying to get out the glass. I managed to grab it twice only to have it slither out of my kind loose grip before I was able to dump it in the cup.

Seeing my face, the girl said, “I’ll take it back to the creek,” as she dashed out the door with a hand on the lid as well as a hand gripping the side of the cup.

Who knew library work could have such variety not listed in the job description with shades of Tom Sawyer?


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