Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Still Working


I still have work to do. I am working on getting the series numbered properly. Also my boss decided to go through the junior section of the library because the shelves are so packed. She was able to find more than a cart load of books that can be weeded. Weeding in the catalog system is usually my job, but she started on that before she left last night. Then there was the large stack that, after discussion, we decided to shelve in a different section of the library. Hopefully that will make them attractive and available to the right patron.  I had to make those adjustments. Then she told me about a section of the library in which the cataloging needs to be edited as one cataloger had no skills and just did whatever they felt like doing. So there is enough work to keep my busy. Plus there was an order of about ten videos that just came and those need to be catalogued.

Besides that every day that I go to work I do some Inter library loan tasks. That keeps me feeling necessary.

Yesterday Leroy and his boss went to the airport to pick up a shipment of books. The books could not be found. After much searching they learned that those books were still in Chicago. Subsequently they learned that they had not come through customs as the shipper did not fill out the proper papers to make that happen. Consequently Leroy felt as if he had gotten nothing done for an entire morning. Why do we not count as getting something done the time that it takes to work on problems? Are we too concerned about a product? Is that true of all personalities or just some like Leroy’s?

I have not gotten so much done on my day off, today. Wait, I took a walk in the morning coolness, mixed up a batch of bread, worked on the bank statement, paid the rent and utilities, paid a credit card bill, and dusted. For enjoyment I worked on two Sudoku puzzles, and read a magazine as well as a newspaper. And I was grateful for water and air conditioning. Life would be very different if those two items were scarce.


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