Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Posture


Recently, I have been noticing a tingling in my back. I assumed that meant something was not in quite the right place. Usually more and varied yoga is my method of cure. For some reason I cannot make myself stick to a program. However the other day at work I happened to look at myself in the mirror and realize that my shoulders are no longer straight across, also the lower shoulder seems to be drifting forward.

“Holy cats!” I thought I really must get that yoga a regular part of my day. I want to be standing up straight for more years to come. Well, yesterday I did some yoga, but not today. So much for wonderful resolutions, New Year’s or otherwise. It seems that neither discomfort nor vanity is a powerful motivator.

Just anytime in the day I am trying to hold my shoulders back, hips tilted under, and stomach in. That lasts for a total of five minutes before I forget about it and sag back into whatever seems comfortable at the moment.

And to think I have hounded Leroy from years because of his posture. He does have slight scoliosis that has been inherited by our daughters. So he is not totally to blame his muscles but some blame is squarely on his genes. However the one time that he lifted weights for about a year his posture improved leading one to believe that there is a certain amount that can be changed. Now if I could just find the fortitude to do it I would be happy.


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