Friday, July 13, 2012

Leroy's Underpants


As I have said, Leroy rides the bike to work almost every day now because there is no rain to stop him. He wears bike shorts with a change of long pants and shoes at work. Generally he takes a clean pair of socks and clean underpants. Just in case you did not know people who wear bike shorts usually do not wear underpants under the shorts. Monday Leroy called to ask if I would bring some underpants as he had forgotten his pair.

I tamped down the imp who wanted to decline and agreed to bring them. I was going to be at work at 1:00 and I refused to make an extra trip. When I got there with two pair of underpants, two pair seemed to me to be good cheap insurance, Leroy looked very happy to see me. “Did you tell anyone about your plight?” I asked.

Modest Leroy said in a rather horrified voice, “No.”

I did ask for permission before I told you about it, but then it probably makes a difference that you would not see him at work and think about his lack of underpants as you look at him.

Leroy did not ride the bike today because there is a banquet at the museum and he will be coming home around midnight. I talked him out of riding as I thought it was not so safe at that time. Today we had a very nice rain so it was a nice day for him to have an additional excuse to take the car. The rain only totaled a short half inch, but we are grateful for the relief that it provides to the thirsty plants and trees.

Tomorrow is the grand opening day at the museum and I will be there much of the day. I am looking forward to that and hoping I can feel confident in my “jobs”.


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