Monday, July 30, 2012
Little Trip
RAGBRI was in town Thursday night and Friday morning. They were to go close to the museum on their way out of town so Leroy was asked to come to work at 6:00. Anyway he got there at 5:30. He does not believe in being late. Because he was going in two hours early he would get off two hours early. He learned this fact on Wednesday. We contacted Brian and found out that it would be a good weekend for a visit. Apparently Leroy looked very tired in the afternoon so his boss asked if he would like to leave even earlier than the 3:00 time. That was great, but not so great because I was not ready to leave at that point. We did manage to leave ahead of our planned departure time.
“It has been a long time since we have been out of town,” one of us remarked.
We noted the dryness of the corn and pastures. It is quite sad looking. In the city we are, at this point, more inconvenienced than seriously traumatized by the lack of rain. I knew it is problematic, but seeing helps me more fully grasp the depth of the despair. Some places obviously had had some rain, but some just next door looked terrible. It was much better in Minnesota and north places.
We had not seen any of our grandchildren since the end of March. It was great to get some hugs, playtime and general horsing around. Logan, at seventeen months, was a just a little hesitant at first, but quickly got in the thick of things. Maybe he even remembered us.
He is talking now and liberally sprinkled “grandpa” around when he felt the urge. Granny was slower to come out of his mouth, but he made that too. We think earlier he was calling me grandma.
Now if those daughters of ours just lived closer we could drop in on them for a short visit when the opportunity suddenly presented itself. I fantasize about having bungee cords attached to all my children and just pulling them in when I wanted to see them and they could spring back when it was time to leave. Mass and matter does not work that way does it?
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Still Working
I still have work to do. I am working on getting the series numbered properly. Also my boss decided to go through the junior section of the library because the shelves are so packed. She was able to find more than a cart load of books that can be weeded. Weeding in the catalog system is usually my job, but she started on that before she left last night. Then there was the large stack that, after discussion, we decided to shelve in a different section of the library. Hopefully that will make them attractive and available to the right patron. I had to make those adjustments. Then she told me about a section of the library in which the cataloging needs to be edited as one cataloger had no skills and just did whatever they felt like doing. So there is enough work to keep my busy. Plus there was an order of about ten videos that just came and those need to be catalogued.
Besides that every day that I go to work I do some Inter library loan tasks. That keeps me feeling necessary.
Yesterday Leroy and his boss went to the airport to pick up a shipment of books. The books could not be found. After much searching they learned that those books were still in Chicago. Subsequently they learned that they had not come through customs as the shipper did not fill out the proper papers to make that happen. Consequently Leroy felt as if he had gotten nothing done for an entire morning. Why do we not count as getting something done the time that it takes to work on problems? Are we too concerned about a product? Is that true of all personalities or just some like Leroy’s?
I have not gotten so much done on my day off, today. Wait, I took a walk in the morning coolness, mixed up a batch of bread, worked on the bank statement, paid the rent and utilities, paid a credit card bill, and dusted. For enjoyment I worked on two Sudoku puzzles, and read a magazine as well as a newspaper. And I was grateful for water and air conditioning. Life would be very different if those two items were scarce.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Yesterday, I finished cataloging all the videos and all of the books that had been lined up for some time. It is great to look at the shelf and see it almost empty. As my boss laughed, “I will have to order more books to keep you busy.”
The videos especially have been there since I started in March. More books would just keep materializing because of purchases or gifts. This z source I found is so great because everything that I did yesterday was available there. Admittedly I had to search rather diligently for some for it, but it finally came to light.
There was a movie with a one word title that I was looking for. After entering this title at least three different times, getting it to run, and doing some other job while it ran only to come back to failure left me discouraged. My boss suggested I could just do a slim catalogue record and forget about it. Before I did that, I looked at Worldcat. The movie appeared complete with the proper picture on the cover. I happened to notice that the actors were listed as authors. That gave me another search point. I first tried the only actor name I knew but nothing returned. Then the next name gave me the record. Yes! Happiness filled my soul. Why it did not show up long ago I cannot imagine, but there it was just as it should be. There still are mysteries in life and I suppose that is good. I certainly could not have felt so good if I had found this catalog record on the first try. It would have been just added to the other easy finds.
There were ten DVDs that we had been unsuccessful at finding on Saturday. Today I found all of them. Some were even not that difficult. Why they did not turn up on Saturday I cannot say, but it was great to conquer the pile.
Besides that, my friend gave me a tip to make magazine cataloging much faster. And it was fast already.
Little things can be satisfying.
Friday, July 20, 2012
A Fool and his Money
Surely a fool could not be referring to me since I am not a “he”. But it might be a close fit some days. We have been carrying another picture that we have not framed, mainly because there is no premade frame that works with it. It is a picture that the school in Bratislava gave me. I decided to frame it or pass it on as there is really no point in keeping it in my dresser drawer for safety. This must be the year to purchase frames because I realize since we have lived here I have bought three other frames, each more expensive than the last. What I did not know was that I was building up to the largest out lay of frame money for this group of two people who believe in holding onto their money.
I went back to the store where I selected the other frames. I could find nothing that would work with this picture. A clerk came and helped me look. She was also unsuccessful. Consequently I ordered a custom made frame. Is this print as valuable as the frame? Not even close. Probably the frame outshines the picture. I will surely have to work hard to enjoy it as much as the cost deserves.
It is a picture of the castle in Bratislave from the 1700’s. After all, BĂ˝vali sme pod hradom which translates as we lived under the castle. Would you believe that I even remembered this phrase, but I checked the translator for sure? I will be happy to have this picture out where I can look at it.
At least we do have the money to pay for this and we are not taking it from some other concern.
Last night we visited with one of our neighbors who has garden strips in her front lawn. She is Asian, but I could not tell from what country, but her accent was strong and English limited. She is growing interesting things.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
My Posture
Recently, I have been noticing a tingling in my back. I assumed that meant something was not in quite the right place. Usually more and varied yoga is my method of cure. For some reason I cannot make myself stick to a program. However the other day at work I happened to look at myself in the mirror and realize that my shoulders are no longer straight across, also the lower shoulder seems to be drifting forward.
“Holy cats!” I thought I really must get that yoga a regular part of my day. I want to be standing up straight for more years to come. Well, yesterday I did some yoga, but not today. So much for wonderful resolutions, New Year’s or otherwise. It seems that neither discomfort nor vanity is a powerful motivator.
Just anytime in the day I am trying to hold my shoulders back, hips tilted under, and stomach in. That lasts for a total of five minutes before I forget about it and sag back into whatever seems comfortable at the moment.
And to think I have hounded Leroy from years because of his posture. He does have slight scoliosis that has been inherited by our daughters. So he is not totally to blame his muscles but some blame is squarely on his genes. However the one time that he lifted weights for about a year his posture improved leading one to believe that there is a certain amount that can be changed. Now if I could just find the fortitude to do it I would be happy.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Fruit Fly Attack
I love fruit and so do fruit flies. I am not sure how they know I have fruit, but they come in swarms. Leroy thinks they have laid their eggs on the surface of the fruit so it is a hatch rather than moving in. I like to eat my fruit at room temperature creating a good environment for them. They have never complained so they must like it instead they seem to invite their friends. They are generous unlike people who often hoard the good things in life.
Because I am not burying my vegetation debris, it sits in the open wastebasket giving rise to its own colony of fruit flies. The only good things I can say about these flies is they do not sting or bite, they do not even sit on me, they are not creepy to look at and they disappear when there is no food for them. Even though those are a lot of rather negative good things I still do not like to have them in my house.
Leroy kept saying that I should buy a covered wastebasket for the kitchen. Somehow it never got on my shopping list and I never thought of it when out. After these guests had out stayed their welcome, I thought of another solution. I am a consistent bag saver. I realized that I could take the frozen veggie bags that seemed to have no purpose, but to put our fruit refuse in and tie it shut with the twist ties that I no longer use. Since starting this new practice we have not seen a fruit fly around the garbage.
I also read somewhere that it is good method of killing harmful bacteria to wash fruit with a bit of white vinegar in the water. I have been doing that and miraculously I have seen no fruit flies in the house. Apparently they do not like or survive the vinegar either.
I am happy to say good bye to these mysteriously useful visitors, surely they have a use. Plus I have been reusing two things, the bags and the twist ties, that would have only had one use in the past.
In the near future I am going to ask our landlord if we could start a compost bin or bury our garbage around the property thus returning it to the earth.
We have eaten our first home grown tomato. Lovely, Lovely!
Monday, July 16, 2012
More Adventures
I thought I would have snacks to eat, provided by the museum and or food to buy at the food tent. Because I was working in that spot I knew my options were not as good as they were the day before when I had brought my own food and there was much fruit, chips, and cookies for volunteers. I did not eat a cookie, had a few chips, and enjoyed a nectarine as well as an orange. These complimented my granola bar and nuts that I had armed myself with from home.
Later I learned from Leroy that they had a more complete meal and not just meat at the food tent on Saturday. There were even green beans, potato salad, and decent bread that would have been good.
Yesterday however the emphasis was on meat with brats, hot dogs, and pulled pork as the stars. I had brought no food and ridden the bike. It seemed important to eat something before I headed home even if it was only a little over three miles. So I asked at the ticket tent if I could just purchase some of the baked beans instead of the sandwich. This person then had to ask the caterer. I did not hear the conversation, but it took some time. She said ok when she came back. I was given one scoop of beans and offered a bag of chips that I declined, however I helped myself to some sauerkraut.
I was glad that I had purchased that as the only food left in the building was two red delicious apples which are not my favorite, but I ate one any way. Leroy had some nuts in his office and I snatched a small handful of them before I headed out into the heat over the hot pavement.
I was a bit over a mile from home when I ran into a small innocent looking hole, heard a pop, and saw my front tire deflate. At that point I was almost sorry that I had not eaten that sandwich, but now there was no going back. At least I had consumed some food and quite a bit of water. I walked home, seeking shade every where I could find it and being grateful for the wonderful old spreading trees. I was also pleased that this flat occurred so close to home and not on the other end of my trip. Leroy had also ridden his bike and he could not have helped me get home. I did have my tire pump, but figured that it was not worth trying because of the pop I had heard.
Just in case you are wondering, Saturday night Leroy rode his bike home after 11:00. Then yesterday he came home some time after 6:00 in the evening. It was amazing how pumped he was but he fell asleep at 8:30 after those long days with no naps.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Volunteering Again
Today. I put on a warmer shirt and some pants that are a little warmer. I was quite cold yesterday. My hands especially felt uncomfortable at times.
I hoped on my bike and rode over in the warm air thinking I would cool off when I got inside. Just as I was getting ready to go to my assigned spot the person in charge of volunteers asked if I would be willing to work outside as someone had not come. I had not brought my hat, but she assured me that I would be in the shade. Because I suspect that I would be much more comfortable in the 90 degree heat than many others, I agreed. Ironic that I dressed for some colder spot.
Because of being outside I was actually there in time for the building blessing service. Leroy welcomed people and then said a few words when the service was finished. I can tell that Leroy has missed being in the parish setting and this weekend was more like that type of people experience. He looks so happy talking to people about the library and their purpose.
My job was to take drink tickets from people and get them a cold soft drink or water. Some felt the drinks were not cold enough. Astonishing, as my poor hand got shocked every time I plunged it into the iced water to pull out the bottle. I am so far out of the mainstream as to wonder what other people think and do. I do not drink pop of any kind and certainly not cold things. My bottle of water sat on the table warming up for some time before it was drinkable. I agree with Dr. Tang in Fargo who preached against drinking cold liquids. Maybe I am Chinese and do not know it.
Would you believe that when my shift was over no one came? I finally asked another volunteer who came by to inquire about that for me. When I saw the head of volunteers she again talked of people not coming even though they were signed up.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Grand Opening
Today is the grand opening at the museum. Last night Leroy told me he left the building after 1:00 am. I heard him, but did not acknowledge him when he came home. Then it was up at 5:30 this morning so he could get back there before 7:00. There was a parade this morning that I decided to skip as I would be on duty at 11:00. I knew that required standing for two hours and I did not want to get too tired.
My job was in the room that contained the costumes reclaimed from the 2008 flood damage. Most of them had been sent off to other places for the actual restoration work. It is quite amazing to see what they could do. I would not have thought it possible considering how much I do not restore in my laundry duties. I will not hire out for this purpose.
It was fun to greet people and try to answer their questions such as why are there so many women’s kroj (costumes) and only one or two for men. What would you guess? I had no idea.
The hardest part that there were to be no photos taken except by the media. Most people were quite gracious and apologetic, but a small number of people were snippy and resentful in their verbal response to the request.
In the afternoon I was in the new office area. That was a slack job as not so many ventured into that area and there were three of us up there. During the day I did meet people from South Carolina, Maryland, Illinois, Nebraska, and California. There were also visitors from the Czech and Slovak countries.
Leroy tells me his day will not be so long tomorrow, but he cannot go to church with me as he would then be too late. I do not have to be there until later so I will go to church before that. His day will be done at 5:00 as far as the public is concerned, but they have to get things ready to be open for business the next day. No slackers on that job.
We did get another rain shower that put a bit of a slowdown on the outdoor activities. Yesterday we got about .5 inch of rain and I suspect today’s amount was about the same. Lawns do look greener, but I am not sure it is in time and enough for the crops.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Leroy's Underpants
As I have said, Leroy rides the bike to work almost every day now because there is no rain to stop him. He wears bike shorts with a change of long pants and shoes at work. Generally he takes a clean pair of socks and clean underpants. Just in case you did not know people who wear bike shorts usually do not wear underpants under the shorts. Monday Leroy called to ask if I would bring some underpants as he had forgotten his pair.
I tamped down the imp who wanted to decline and agreed to bring them. I was going to be at work at 1:00 and I refused to make an extra trip. When I got there with two pair of underpants, two pair seemed to me to be good cheap insurance, Leroy looked very happy to see me. “Did you tell anyone about your plight?” I asked.
Modest Leroy said in a rather horrified voice, “No.”
I did ask for permission before I told you about it, but then it probably makes a difference that you would not see him at work and think about his lack of underpants as you look at him.
Leroy did not ride the bike today because there is a banquet at the museum and he will be coming home around midnight. I talked him out of riding as I thought it was not so safe at that time. Today we had a very nice rain so it was a nice day for him to have an additional excuse to take the car. The rain only totaled a short half inch, but we are grateful for the relief that it provides to the thirsty plants and trees.
Tomorrow is the grand opening day at the museum and I will be there much of the day. I am looking forward to that and hoping I can feel confident in my “jobs”.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Post Office
The frog day, Monday, also involved a trip to the post office. I generally pick up the library mail as I do the interlibrary loan work. Mondays are often bonus day with many books to send out, both because of requests of our titles from other libraries and returns of our requests from them. I have not been there since Thursday so they accumulate. I am not sure if I am slow, but it often takes me an hour or two to read the email, go to the web site, locate the books, pack them, and keep records of what has happened coming and going. This is what it takes if I do not have to work the check out desk, when working the desk it takes me a bit longer. Added to that I needed to start the movie in the meeting room, turn up the sound, sell treats compliments of the Friends of the library, make three batches of microwave popcorn, watch the desk traffic, and catch a frog.
After the movie was finished I thought I would be able to go to the post office as the crowd would clear out. The wonderful pouring rain delayed that plan. I did not want my mail and myself to get wet and three of the kids did not want to get wet either. Finally at 3:50, I thought the rain had slowed down enough to make a dash to the post office before its 4:00 closing.
I told the three kids they needed to leave as I was going to the post office. I did not feel bad about “kicking them out” because two of them had been there much of the time since I opened at 1:00. They did not want to leave so I told them they could sit in the lobby and wait the ten minutes until I returned. Then they were sure they needed to take a book out with them. Even though they had not been checked out, I said ok. However after I was in the lobby locking the door they declared, “We want to come with you.”
“OK, but you must, because they have not been checked out, put the books in the book return,” I said.
“We still want to read them,” they moaned.
I assured them, “We can get them immediately when we come back.”
I then moved swiftly into the gentle rain drops even running some as I covered my block trip to the post office. I must have looked like the Pied Piper with three kids trailing behind trying to keep up or flocking around me.
I mailed my items without delay and picked up the bonanza of mail filling two of the post office bins. Those kids were most helpful on the way back as they helped me carry this load I could not have managed on my own. The oldest girl thought one of the bins was too heavy but the much smaller boy was sure he could do it. He did however start to show stress within a few steps so I took out a box as well as a couple magazines.
When we got back, I am not sure that they even looked at those important books that earlier had been especially dear.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Can Frogs Read?
Yesterday I worked from 1-8 in the afternoon evening. I did not realize that I would be alone most of that time until I got to work. The person who had been there in the morning left as I came. The only other time there was someone there was for about an hour or two hours in the evening, giving me the ability to eat a peaceful supper.
Earlier in the day a girl of perhaps 7 or 8 years came in and announced that she had caught a frog in the creek. That frog was now in what looked like a lidded drink cup, probably the small size. I said, “That is nice, but do not let it out in here.”
I also told her, “I do not think it is kind to keep it in that cup for long and it should be returned to the creek.”
Probably 15 minutes later she shouted, “The frog is loose.”
“Catch it,” I told her.
Just how she had managed to catch that frog in the first place is a mystery as she went after it rather sluggishly. Finally I said, “You hold the cup ready while I catch it.”
This beautiful green fist sized frog hopped to the door trying to get out the glass. I managed to grab it twice only to have it slither out of my kind loose grip before I was able to dump it in the cup.
Seeing my face, the girl said, “I’ll take it back to the creek,” as she dashed out the door with a hand on the lid as well as a hand gripping the side of the cup.
Who knew library work could have such variety not listed in the job description with shades of Tom Sawyer?
Monday, July 9, 2012
Life Changes
When Leroy and I were raising our children, we always visited our parents. They visited us infrequently. My parents seldom came because my dad was a dairy farmer. He could not leave the cows who had a heightened sense of stranger danger. This fear caused them to yank their heads against the station when a new person came in the barn. It also meant they might possibly or probably refuse to let down their milk. Even though we do not think about cows as nursing mothers, all lactating mothers need a feeling of peace and safety to have the process work well. Leroy’s family just simply did not like to travel much and going across Iowa was too far to come often.
We would visit our parents at the winter holidays, alternating between families, one at Thanksgiving and the other at Christmas then switching the order the next year. Generally we would also visit each of them once in the summer.
Interesting that as empty nesters the ideas about who is traveling have changed. Our children seldom visit us, instead we visit them more. Especially for our daughters it is expense as they live so far away. With the expansion of their families, airfare amounts increase. Consequently, two can travel cheaper than three or four. Brian and Jen have been in our home the most because of less travel distance being able to drive instead of fly makes the bigger group a mote point. One of my grandchildren has not been in our home and two were under a year old the last time they came. Miriam and her girls will come in August; their last visit was in 2009. Both girls and their families will come this Christmas. Yes! I think is ironic that we are now living in one of the smaller places in recent years and they are coming. Where are those four bedrooms when I need them?
Another change, we have to ask our kids how to do techno things. “Leroy, did our parents ever ask us how to do anything?” I wondered last night.
We cannot think of anything.
Last night Leroy called Brian who did not answer then Andy to get some advice about transferring play lists to the IPod from the computer. This was after spending much time trying to figure it out by his own brain power. We did figure out how to send pictures from the IPod otherwise we would have had to call Stephen to learn how to do that since we believe it is similar to the steps he would use with his IPhone. It was not hard, but not knowing where or how to look can make anything difficult.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Cool Dress
Today I wore my coolest dress. On the walk to church and it actually felt balmy outside so coolest was not necessary. It was amazing we were not sweating by the time we got to church. After that I was freezing as in church the AC seemed to be blowing for the entire service. One woman told me, as I was slipping on a light sweater jacket, that it was quite cold in the sanctuary even though the thermometer was set at 72. Personally I find 72 degrees to be much too cool as I prefer 75 or above in the summer when I am half naked as my grandmother would say I was. Oh if grandma could see all the skin these days she would think I was quite modest in comparison. And to think there was a time when ankles were sexually exciting if exposed. Perhaps that was grandma’s time as I cannot remember ever seeing her ankles without hose or stockings on them. Does anyone even think about an ankle anymore unless it is hurting? Much is to be said for attitude or culturization and acceptability. Amazing how persuasive advertizing can be along with the power of “others are doing it” so I might or must too.
Leroy and I did find the walk home from church to be a bit warmer, but it was still nice to see so many out enjoying the comfort as they sat on their front porches. I will say that even on the hottest days I saw people sitting on their porches. Judging by the fans in the windows or the open windows, I would say they did not enjoy the benefits of air conditioning.
Here Leroy and I do not control the furnace, but we have been quite comfortable most of the time. We have been grateful for the ceiling fans when I bake or use the oven.
I bought another sweet yellow banana pepper. It really was not reduced that much in spite of how stressed it looked, but I bought it anyway because I want to harvest some. Is that true optimism? My tomatoes are looking good and producing green tomatoes that I have great expectations of eating when they are red.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Visitors heat and exercise
Last night we had company. It was friends from seminary days. They used to live in Michigan and they are now only about 30 minutes away. It was great to see them again and catch up with activities.
I have decided that living in the air conditioning is not good for me. The heat seems so much harder to handle than when we did not have such comfort. As with so many things in life it has pluses and minuses. I sleep better with it on, but my eyes dry out more. Also the heat is shocking when going out. Our mail carrier delivered a package today. I asked how she was handling the heat. “I like it,” she said, “I have to put on a sweater when I go inside because it is too much of a change.”
I have tried to get a walk in almost every day. Today I rode my bike to the museum (Leroy’s work place) for training for my volunteer job at the opening next weekend. My attempt to not sweat on the ride was not successful. Just hoped I did not smell like I had been to the gym. Leroy will work almost all next weekend and I will be there for several hours. We both feel the bikes would be the easiest method of transportation as they expect a few thousand people in an area where parking is somewhat limited. However on the sheet they gave the volunteers they talked about personal hygiene as well as the clothes we are to wear. I am not sure that I can ride and still smell good.
One positive about the heat is that we hung out three loads of clothes that have dried almost as soon as we hung them. That is great. We also have climbed our stairs several times today. Surely that counts as exercise along with the bike ride of six miles that we both took this morning.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Early Morning Bike Ride
Leroy and I had tickets in hand for the Ely Fireman’s breakfast. On the tickets it stated serving started at 7:00. We left the house a little after 6:00, but not before we had eaten a light fortifying breakfast of ½ serving of oatmeal, granola, and a large banana each. There were a number of bikes on the trail both passing us and meeting us. We did not pass anyone. We must have been the slowest people out there even though we often clocked speeds of 15 mph.
In spite of the early hour it was easy to believe that it would become quite warm before we returned however at that point it was great to float along with a bit of wind behind and gravity working with us much of the time. The trail follows an abandoned railroad bed so the hills are minimal and shade is prolific.
This morning Leroy saw a blue bird of some kind perhaps Eastern or perhaps Indigo Bunting. I saw the bird, but not the color as I was behind and it was flying. One of the last trips I saw a beautiful blue bird sitting on a fence. I think that was an Indigo Bunting.
It was fun to see some of the people that we had known when we lived in Ely. We visited a little, but not too long as the sun was warming and the humidity making its presence apparent made us realize it would be a bit more work to get home.
Leroy found the ride easier in both directions than I did. All that riding to work helps him out. Before we got home I could tell my face was turning red and I did not feel so terrific. I stopped two times to drink copious amounts of water and cool off in the shade. At home I had Leroy give me a misting of water from the hose in the back yard. It was great, but we still took cool refreshing showers.
Isn’t it marvelous that at ages 63 and 64 we can still do things like this and live to tell about it?
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Morning Time
I need more morning time. My “to do” list has much on it before breakfast. Breakfast has to happen by a certain time so Leroy can get to work. Not a problem for me as I only go at 9:00 one morning a week.
I would like to write in my journal first thing. At this point I like to do stream of conscious writing, I used to fill three pages, but have cut that back to one as it takes so much time. I want to exercise for about 15-20 minutes. Then there is that thirty minute walking time in the early morning while it is still cool. Leroy generally leaves by 7:30 or before if we are ready. He likes to get to work early so he can get more done while the work place is quiet. Also on the list is shower time, Leroy fixing his lunch, fixing breakfast, eating breakfast, and devotions.
Either we have gotten older and slower or these things take more time than they used or did not do them all. Somehow we are having a hard time getting to all of it. We often get up before 6:00, but not as seriously at 5:30 as we used to do. I have decided that I must not let my lack of progress before breakfast color my perception of the entire day.
Perhaps it would help if I could change my rhythms and become a night person. It is harder for me to sleep when I come home at 8:30 at night. Leroy was never bothered when he had meetings at night. He could still come home, read a little, go to bed, and snore in about two minutes. I do not have such skill, but of course women do not snore, so it is hopeless to expect such change. I will just have to prioritize my wants and not be too hard on myself when I do not get it all done in the morning.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Leroy's Bike Rides
Leroy has now ridden the bike to work for a few weeks, maybe even four weeks. He has been navigating his route quite successfully. It is just a little over three miles that he has to go. Even though we are close to the bike trail most of the trip is on the streets. Because of construction he is able to find some less traveled streets that he can traverse rather easily. I, who keep a record of all monies spent notice the drop in our gas expenditure. That is so nice. He has been wearing his bike shorts and then changes when he gets to work. He keeps some pairs of pants there as well as shoes. That is good except when he wants to wear those clothes or shoes somewhere else.
Last week he called me to ask if I would come get him. He had a flat tire almost as soon as he left work. He figured it would take him about an hour to push his bike home in the 90+ heat. I obligingly hopped in the car and picked him up. Then we had a discussion about his broken tire pump that attaches to the bike. Apparently I earlier had given him the impression that he should not buy another because they are rather expensive for such a puny item. Now I certainly told him to buy it. It costs much less than a tank of gas. In addition two nights out of the week I am at work and unable to rescue him.
Friday at 4:45 I was home and had heard that there was a strong storm coming. Sometimes Leroy comes home a little early on a Friday. I decided if he were already on the way home, I should not slow him down by calling. Then it was after five and he still had not arrived and it was starting to rain. Surely he would call if he needed help. It was perhaps 5:30 when I looked out to see him pull up to the garage with a soaking wet body. He said someone had offered him a ride but he figured it would not be a problem to traverse the twenty minutes home in the light rain. Just after he got in the house the sirens went off. We went to the basement, but it was not truly necessary, however I was so grateful that he was home and not trying to maintain balance in the brutal winds.
By the way the bike ride only takes him about five minutes longer than the trip by car. Isn’t that a good deal? He gets some exercise, enjoys the fresh morning air, saves money, and helps the environment.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Low Rise Briefs
On that shopping trip Saturday I was looking at some other things at Target when I spotted a package of 6 Cotton Low Rise Briefs for women marked down to less than half off. I am getting a bit low on my stack of underpants; rather I have some I should throw out, some that I have been wearing off and on for more than six years. Now I have decided to wear them frequently so that I can declare them worn out. Before we left the store we noticed that it looked as if there were only five pair and not six in the package which stated it was repackaged, but even for five the price seemed too good to pass up. Oh and it states a size five and I usually wear a size six, but I do not like anything tight so I thought this is perhaps the right size for me as my outer pants are size six or eight depending.
At home I proceeded to take the briefs out of the package. It was interesting indeed. The first pair was a Hanes size five that fit me, but maybe I really do need a size six. Because it is low rise it will not bother my waist, but it does look a little stretched. Moving on to the next pair I discovered it to be not Hanes, but Fruit of the Loom size 5. It is a little higher rise, but still ok at the waist. Next it was another Hanes size five as the package stated. This was followed by another Fruit of the loom, but size 8. This fits my idea of loose comfort and it is low rise too. I showed Leroy the last pair before I tried it on. “Wow, can you hold those up?” was all he managed to say about these silky, lacy larger bottom covers.
I can keep these up these panties that do not slip down over my hips even though it is a Hanes size 9 low rise that sits up at my waist. We think someone had some instructions to get these back on the shelf and they improvised. I decided to keep them. I will probably even wear them just for the laugh a day even if no one else can see them. Life is always an adventure, even in the underwear department.
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