Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Flowers Changing

Hello, The catalpa tree is blooming. We look right into those blossoms from the kitchen window. It is beautiful to see each morning.
Along the side walk the last iris is still glowing even though some ash tree seeds are on it.
The first lily is now open.
It is great to walk home and see the coreopsis blooming in the front. We have so much beauty around us. I try to appreciate it all of the time. My step count goes up in the nice weather. Hanging out clothes adds to it as well as walking to church to water plants. Choir practice tonight will add another 5,000. Today is a great day to be out. Brian gave us a weather radio for Christmas. It has been good, even though startling, to have it when storms passed through. We were alerted and had a reliable source of information. Today it went off in the middle of the morning. I was astonished because it looked so nice out. Turns out it was just a test of the system. Paula

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