Sunday, May 26, 2024

One Play

Hello, We did enjoy the local play. We arrived a bit early in typical Bradway style. The usher asked if we had read the blurb about the play. To our yes, she said, “Good then you won’t be offended by it and yell at us.” “Do people yell at you?” I wondered. “Yes, sometimes they have no idea about what they are to see. When it is not fitting their ideas, they get mad.” She said. “Is this play gross?” I wondered. “No but that all depends on your sensibilities.” She replied. It did have some off-color jokes, but was quite discreet over all and is a satire. We laughed which is what we came for. The next play will be quite different with it based on history and it is a musical. Hopefully we will enjoy. Brian and Jen saw it a few years ago and liked it. Paula

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