Monday, May 13, 2024

Plants at Church

Hello, I thought we had had quite a bit of rain in the last few days. This morning, we walked to church to help some plants that no longer seemed to be buried. The soil was not wet but dry at a very shallow depth. We watered even though we had walked there in a light rain. I will go back again tomorrow and water unless there is a lot of rain over night. Something is eating some of the leaves on certain plants. That has not happened in the past. I hope new pests have not moved in. This morning, we hung out clothes only to take them back in about half an hour. Not much drying occurred. After the weather check which stated it was to rain much of the day, I gave up on the idea of outdoor drying. It is hard to believe, but Leroy and I are reading three of the same series. They are all mysteries so that explains it a bit. Otherwise, we do not read the same things. I would like some funny or humorous books, but they seem to be rather scarce. The jokes we have been reading as part of our morning devotion have also not helped us to laugh, smile maybe, but not laugh. Paula

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