Friday, May 24, 2024

Lows and Highs

Hello, In the last two days feelings have been up and down. I saw a specialist yesterday because of my low white blood cell count that has been around for about a year. Or perhaps it has come and gone in the course of that time with it being not okay when blood was drawn. The doctor spent quite a bit of time with me, asking questions and explaining. She had more blood drawn for some additional tests, and expects to see me in about a month when more blood will be examined. For some reason I had expected her to say it was not a big deal and let it go since the number was not much lower than the norm. I allowed that to get me down in the dumps. Thanks to all the modern technology, I was able to see some test results. Those pesky highs and lows seemed to still be there. Not all the categories mean anything to me, but it still made me upset. By the time Leroy came home I needed a listening ear and he provided just that without giving me a lot of advice. That is hard for him and I thanked him. Amazing how having someone listen raises the spirits. Today there were more results sent and if I understood it all it was much more to the good. Then this afternoon we bought tickets to a play in town tonight and a play in Iowa city for next week for our anniversary. Looking forward to these two entertainment events. Did Leroy think I was on the road out, so he had to give in to my requests? Paula

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