Saturday, May 4, 2024

Faster than Rain? May 4, 2024 Hello, We washed and hung out two rather large loads of clothes to be ahead of the afternoon rain. Shortly, we went out to plant some more seeds in our front raised bed garden. While we were working on that, I looked up and saw black ominous clouds approaching. Leroy said, “I will get in the clothes. You finish here since you have the plan.” I do have a plan, but it is quite loose. I quickly finished putting more seeds in the ground and got the rabbit deterrent fence in place just as the first drops started to fall.
Leroy came to see if he could help more as he had the clothes in baskets on the porch. We gathered up equipment and dashed to the garage leaving things just inside the garage door. He locked the garage while I hurried to the back porch. He got a bit more rain but not too much. It is good to see the rain as it has been quite dry. When I looked at the weather, I saw they were talking about rain early, with little chance later in the day. We were working on the opposite expectation. We felt lucky in so many ways: the clothes had dried some, we saw the clouds coming, and we split tasks. Paula

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