Tuesday, May 7, 2024

First Iris May 7, 2024 Hello, The first iris by our house bloomed today. It is beautiful. My brother-in-law gave the tubers to us. My sister had planted many of them in many different colors. I was pleased to get this. When it blooms, I think about my sister. It has been a long time now, but I still miss her. Just last week I though about calling her. Perhaps I should do that anyway even though she cannot answer.
There are plants at church that need to be planted. I will try to get that done tomorrow. We share the cost with another person. They picked out the flowers and I plant because she finds it difficult to get down to do that work. I am happy she picks them out. They looked beautiful. Tonight, Leroy and I will go work in the community garden for a short time, spreading more mulch around. We also hope to see the sun set. It is not so easily seen from our apartment. Last night we went down to the lake. There were a lot of clouds so we did not see much color, but as Leroy said, “It was so nice to be out in the evening.” I stopped at the garden and picked some more red Russian Kale. It still seems quite fine even though the heat is coming. Paula

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