Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Birds Like Me?

Hello, I watered plants today at church. While I was out there a bird flew into my back and head. There was a certain amount of bird chatter. I stood still thinking it might stay there and I could talk about the bird mistaking I for a part of nature. But it did not stay around. Not sure what type of bird, but it interests me. Miriam told about the robin that had a nest by their garage. They watched the four babies grow. Just recently one of them left the nest only to be run over by a car. Then a raven came to feast on the body to the dismay of the parents. The three other birds left the nest and another flew into the street. One was in their lawn and one in their flower bed. They did recuse the one out of the street so there was not another death on their watch. Maybe it was a baby bird that flew into me because it did not have much flying experience. Life is a challenge for the young. Once when I was young, I was outside sitting under a tree reading. A bird did sit on my head. That was thrilling even if it was pecking a little at my hair. Maybe it was building a nest. Paula

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