Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Am I in charge

Hello, My car displayed the “maint record” light. Leroy called our mechanic who said they could take care of that in a matter of minutes. I drove there this morning to have a guy come out and turn that light off. He did that, but he also noted that it has been some time since the oil has been changed. I made an appointment for that, but it is not in Leroy’s free time. Guess I will have to take care of it. Maybe that is saying I need to be responsible for the care of the vehicle I drive the most. Usually, I like to gave all the car chores to Leroy. I told Leroy I would like to be in charge of planting our front garden, but my success rate is very low. Perhaps he is right, we have had the seeds too long. They have not gotten wet so I thought they would still be good. Another problem has been insects that want to snack on the plants that did come up. Generally, I am the laundry person. Although, if Leroy is home, he will help hang out clothes. Leroy helps with meal prep, but generally I decide what we are cooking. So I consider myself in charge. Perhaps when he is retired the home job responsibilities will shift a little from me to him. He is also taking strongly about volunteering as he does not think he can handle being home so much of the time. Paula

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