Wednesday, May 15, 2024

10,000 steps before noon

Hello, Hanging out two loads of clothes, walking to church, watering plants there, walking to deliver neighborhood newsletter all added up to more than 10,000 steps. My legs are a bit tired. Resting or sitting around much of the afternoon helps. This evening, we will walk to church again for choir practice. That will add almost another 5,000 steps. Leroy rode his bike today and when he does, he comes home with 10,000 steps already. It is nice to deliver the newsletter in the spring and see all the newly opened flowers. There is much beauty in the area. Each time I walk by the side of our house, I am struck by the beauty of the iris. There are four different colors blooming. Leroy has started to bring things home from work. He had clothes there in case: it was too cold, too hot, he rode the bike and needed to dress up, he got wet on the ride to work, he might get dirty, and he also had some brown shoe polish there just in case. His office was larger than I realized. Paula

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