Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Car Maintained

Hello, I am becoming much more comfortable taking the car in for care. As with many things in life doing something more than once makes it familiar and therefore more doable. One of my tires appears a little low to me, but I think I will still pass that job on to Leroy. I wouldn’t want him to feel unnecessary. The Car repair shop that we use is about a half block from the bike trail. I took a nice walk while they changed the oil. I did have a book with me so I could also read. There was another guy waiting when I was done with the walk and he was lost in the face of his phone. I would rather read a book. Fortunately, I have a close connection with libraries so that is always possible. In fact, I stopped and picked up two books that had been on hold for me. I did walk to church to water plants so my steps are done, but I will walk to a neighborhood meeting this evening. It is about half a mile away, so not far. We were out of granola. I made that this afternoon. For some reason, I cannot get sesame seeds. They are on back order. This batch has another cup of oatmeal to take up the space. Paula

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