Thursday, August 1, 2024

Life as Retired people

Hello, Leroy is going to the museum two days a week as a volunteer. He had planned to be there the whole day but got tired so he came home. Guess that is a perk of retirement. The project he is working on is a large donation from one man. This man seemed to think the museum wanted books on all subjects as some of them are in the science area and have nothing to do with the themes of the museum. Now they have to dispose of them. Take note, if you want to donate to a museum your “gift” could be a burden. Last night we went to an hour session on Qigong, meditation and some tai chi. I liked it quite a lot and Leroy said, “That was ok.” Meditation is not his thing. I will go back two more times and Leroy might come also. After that choir starts. I forgot to get the book for book club until Tuesday. It seems I will be able to finish it by Sunday. That would have been much harder when I was working. Today I went to a rheumatologist. I had thought I was done seeing specialists, but, Tuesday, they called to set up the appointment. Apparently, the hematologist/oncologist referred me. Now maybe I am done. He did require another blood draw, but felt he would not need to see me. Some people have an elevated number in the blood work and I might be part of that group. I seem to have no symptoms. Today they only took five vials. is that good sign? Paula

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