Monday, August 26, 2024

Potatoes From Where?

Two potato plants appeared in our front garden this year. We had planted some small purple potatoes last year, but they did not produce. When two plants sprouted this year, we let them grow. Today Leroy went out and harvested one plant which has died on top. The other is still green so we understand it is not time to dig it up. That will wait until we get back from our trip west. We were quite pleased to see the size and the number of potatoes. Especially since the rest of the front garden has not done very well this year. I suspect it was not watered enough. At least we know these potatoes are organic. The skin is rather bumpy and it looks darker than usual. It was good it is ready today since we ate the last potato that was in the house.
We walked to church to water the flowers there. We took a water bottle along and were glad that we had it. We drank at church several times and then sat by the community garden and drank the bottle empty. It was so refreshing. It is quite warm here as it was yesterday. I do not handle the heat as well as I used to. It was perhaps easier when we did not have air conditioning in our home. I remember people complaining about the temperature and I thought it was ok. Now I live in air-conditioned comfort and have become a wimp. Leroy did not have to count money this morning at church and he is not going to work so he is a bit unsettled. Paula

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