Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Watering Again

Hello, Five mums in pots had blown over by the time we got to church this morning. We righted them, tried to level the ground a little, watered them and hoped the water would add enough weight to hold them up. We have doubled the amount of water we bring upstairs. Some in the pots get a second drink to stave off the hot dry conditions around them. Here is a picture of the flowers at church.
I went to a walk-in clinic. I can say that one walks in, but one does not walk out quickly. The wait was about 30 minutes so Leroy walked home and left me the car keys. I came home about an hour later, but I got care. So, all is good. Leroy has packed a bit for our trip, but I am just packing in my head. Ideas are floating around. This is requiring more thinking because it is a longer trip, hence how many clothes do I need? Tomorrow packing will become more serious. Paula

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