Sunday, August 18, 2024

How Many Books to Carry?

Hello, A friend at church told me she would have books for us, this Sunday, to put in our little free library. At the beginning of church another friend said she had books for us. We had brough our backpack, but would that be enough? Each of them had their books in bags that would hang at the ends of arms and not on a back. We assured them that we could still take them because I would have a car on Tuesday and could pick them up at church. Leroy looked at them and said, “I can carry them as the weight can be about equal in both bags.” We started out with two books in the backpack, but soon stopped and put two more in there. The rest of the way home we switched the load between us. That worked well even if it was a bit heavy. There was a total of 14 books and at least six of them were hardcover. They are all in the little free library except for three Leroy might read and one I might read. One woman even called this her ministry to give away books. I agree as some of our neighbors probably do not buy books or go to the library. It is great to know people who have good, almost new, books to give away. Paula

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